NYU Mission Statement
NYU has a threefold mission: education and training of physicians and scientists, the search for new knowledge, and the care of the sick. The three are inseparable. Medicine can be handed on to succeeding generations only by long training in the scientific method of investigation and by the actual care of patients.
Progress in medicine, which is medical research, must look constantly to the school for its investigators and to the patient for its problems, whereas the whole future of medical care rests upon a continuing supply of physicians and upon the promise of new discovery. The purpose, then, can only be achieved by endeavor in all three directions – medical education, research, and patient care – and they must be carried on simultaneously for they are wholly dependent upon each other, not only for inspiration, but for their very means of success.

NYU Admissions' Mission Statement
NYU School of Medicine strives to enroll a diverse group of academically talented students with the personal attributes, endeavors, and accomplishments to succeed as future leaders and scholars of medicine. The Admissions Committee embraces the broad definition of diversity endorsed by the AAMC and uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills, and leadership potential.
The ultimate goal is a student body with a collective desire to improve the health of all segments of our society through outstanding patient care, research, and education.
NYU Secondary Application Questions
While there is not a source available to indicate the comprehensive career tracks (such as academic medicine, research, public health, primary care, business/law) pursued by recent graduates of the NYU School of Medicine, there is information about the specialties chosen by those that pursued an immediate medical track. Some may have immediately pursued a non-medical track such as business or law or some may still pursue that and other areas after they have completed residency programs.
For those that pursued a medical track, an overwhelming majority of graduates pursued various medical subspecialties. About only 10% of the recent graduating class pursued a primary care track as defined by pediatrics (8%) and family practice (1%). Understanding the track that most of the graduates of the institution pursue can be revealing about the institution’s emphasis.
Additional Questions
Please answer only one of the following three questions:
1. The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you? (2500 char)
Most of the responses that are provided throughout the application are focused on how it relates to one’s interest in medicine. If your response to this question is also related to medicine, that is certainly fine but this can be an opportunity to provide more insight into your maturity, self-awareness, larger perspective of the world.
This can be an opportunity to demonstrate a balance in passions beyond science and medicine or even to provide a better understanding of the context of your life. For example for most applicants, graduating from college is a given.
For a first-generation college student from an underserved area with significant socio-economic challenges, graduating college could indeed be their most significant achievement. Appreciating the context of your stated accomplishment is valuable. Again, this is an opportunity to think broadly and introspectively as this response could provide insight on your maturity and not just your determination to accomplish something significant.
2. Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews, and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences? (2500 char)
The definition of a concept such as this one is very personal and as such, the response should demonstrate a level of depth and introspection that goes beyond a dictionary definition of the word respect. A good way to do so is through an example and this question requires such.
In the example, an ability to value some aspects of a competing interest or perspective should be included. Another emphasis is to provide as much honesty and sincerity in this kind of question as it is otherwise simple to give an unemotional account of how you remain respectful in a challenging situation. A goal should be to convey emotional sincerity in this response as that is more interesting to read.
3. Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member, or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider? (2500 char)
Similar to the previous question, sincerity and introspect are important goals in the response. The process of appreciating (as much as possible) other people’s perspectives and your ability to mature and grow from this conflict will be an asset for your interactions with all people and not just as a health care provider.
An important part of the learning process is to admit your own shortcomings and taking responsibility for that can be an important demonstration in your response.
NYU School of Medicine Application Timeline
AMCAS Application submission begins: June 1, 2022 - October 15, 2022 (last date)
Secondary Application submission begins: July 1, 2022 - November 15, 2022 (last date)
Admissions Decisions Released: October 2022 – until the class is full
All AMCAS applicants will be invited to submit a secondary application.
Additional Application Information:
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