Solomon Team

Solomon Team

Solomon Team

All of our blog posts are written by Former College Admission Officers who serve as members of our admission consultant team.

Tackling the Open-Ended Question: “Is There Anything Else You Want Us To Know?” | Blog-banner-images-12

Tackling the Open-Ended Question: “Is There Anything Else You Want Us To Know?”

By Solomon Team / 11/25/2020

I hope to address how having an addendum to your application whether it is to highlight an academic hiccup or academic strength or nuance is important to share! This question is truly significant for many applicants. This is where YOU as the applicant can address any red flags, “pink elephants in the room” or just…

Social Media and Your College Applications

Social Media and Your College Applications

By Solomon Team / 11/25/2020

Two things that most certainly do not go together is your tweet or Facebook post about an all-night underaged drinking rager you hosted and your application to colleges and universities. Neither is any sort of opinion showcasing hate speech or the like to any group of people. Most high school students do not think that…

Do Colleges Look Differently On the ACT and the SAT?

Do Colleges Look Differently On the ACT and the SAT?

By Solomon Team / 11/25/2020

The short answer is No. Colleges may ask for either the SAT or ACT, but they do not treat applicants differently based on which test scores are sent. Either one will suffice and be treated equally. Some colleges may also be “test-optional”; they may not ask for any tests at all. You may want to…

Planning Your Summers

Planning Your Summers

By Solomon Team / 11/23/2020

Ahhh summer…long lazy days, beaches, parks, marathon video game sessions, Netflix binging…or not. No one is saying you can’t enjoy your summer break, but it’s also a time to explore ways in which you can strengthen your college prospects. Here are some ideas on how to spend a productive summer that can add value to…

What Kind of College Essay Should I Write?

What Kind of College Essay Should I Write?

By Solomon Team / 11/23/2020

There are numerous sources available that can help you craft a good college essay. Grammar, spelling, and structure are all important, but what about content? Is it better to be serious, light or funny, controversial? Anyone of those may be appropriate, or not, for college essays. Here are some considerations as you approach writing your…

How do Colleges View “Leadership” in Your Activities?

How do Colleges View “Leadership” in Your Activities?

By Solomon Team / 11/23/2020

Colleges look for evidence that you’ve been involved in the world outside of the classroom- whether it’s sports, volunteering, clubs, or jobs, what they want to see is that you’re engaged in the world around you and demonstrate some leadership qualities. But, is there such a thing as too much leadership? Consider the points below:…

Application Regrets to Avoid

Application Regrets to Avoid

By Solomon Team / 11/23/2020

The college application process is a very personal and unique journey. You’re often asked to look back on your past and reflect on your failures and achievements. It may often feel like you’re in it alone, which is why we asked our friends at AdmitSee to share some application regrets from successful college applicants. While…

Three Admission Statistics Every Student Should Know | College-admissions-banner-4

Three Admission Statistics Every Student Should Know

By Solomon Team / 11/20/2020

With admissions decisions’ season in full swing, there are seemingly-endless headline about plummeting admissions rates. 1. Admissions Decline in 10 Year Span The admission rate at elite institutions (Ivy League, plus MIT and Stanford) has gone from an average of 15.09% in 2005 to 8.13% in 2015, reflecting the reality that a student’s chances of…

How Applying as an International Student is Different

How Applying as an International Student is Different

By Solomon Team / 11/20/2020

Most colleges in the United States welcome international students*. While the application process is nearly the same as for American students, there are a few things you need to consider if you are an international student: 1. Start Application Process Early Start the application process early, preferably in your second year of high school. The…

7 Tips for a Successful College Campus Visit

7 Tips for a Successful College Campus Visit

By Solomon Team / 11/20/2020

Are you planning a campus visit? Potentially several college campus visits? Visiting colleges can be fun and informative, but most students can only visit a campus once before applying. Here a few tips that can help make that visit as productive as possible. 1. Plan Ahead Tours and information sessions can quickly fill up during…