Blog Posts

Lies My Neighbor Told Me: Be well-rounded? | Blog-banner-images-20

Lies My Neighbor Told Me: Be well-rounded?

By Solomon Team / 09/13/2021

Working in the admissions field, you are asked a number of questions. By far, the most popular question I receive is usually a worried parent who feels that his son should be doing much more and a little more of everything while doing the following: sports (table tennis), music (classical violin), humanitarian (building homes in…

How College Admissions Work | Image

How College Admissions Work

By Solomon Team / 08/02/2021

Being admitted to a top-ranked college – especially the Ivy League seems impossible. With acceptance rates at most top-tier universities in the single digits, anxiety about the process is a reality, especially without the help of a consultant or advisor. Our Article Will Discuss The Following: How To Stand Out In College Admission Review Each…

How to Get Published as an Undergrad | Image

How to Get Published as an Undergrad

By Solomon Team / 07/05/2021

In college, you will have a number of opportunities to deepen your learning beyond the classroom. What separates college from high school is not only the chance to try new majors and go deeper in your specific academic field, but also the remarkable facilities, resources, and institutional support for your intellectual success. This Article Will…

When Are College Applications Due? | Image

When Are College Applications Due?

By Solomon Team / 07/01/2021

Most of the 4000 colleges in the U.S. offer four different types of college application deadlines, each with different dates and policies: Regular Decision (RD), Early Action (EA), Early Decision (ED), and Rolling admissions (RA). This Article Will Discuss The Following: Most of these application options have strict deadlines (unless rare circumstances happen like the…

How to Strategically Build a Resume to Support your Application | Image

How to Strategically Build a Resume to Support your Application

By Solomon Team / 05/26/2021

Teenagers and young adults entering college, the job market, or graduate programs face immense competition. The New York Times states that top universities such as Stanford accept less than 5% of applicants. With steadily more individuals attending college, entering the job force, and getting advanced degrees, competition amongst applicants is intensifying. Whether you’re applying to…

How To Shadow A Doctor | Image

How To Shadow A Doctor

By Solomon Team / 05/24/2021

One of the most important parts of putting together a strong application for medical school is to take theory and put it into practice. When students first ask us how a medical school application consultant can assist them in preparing for the admissions process, I say that this medical school admissions advisor can help you…

The Secondary School Report - What Do Admissions Officers Look For?

The Secondary School Report – What Do Admissions Officers Look For?

By Solomon Team / 05/21/2021

The Secondary School Report (SSR) is a packet of information that provides a plethora of information to admissions officers. The parts of the SSR include the following: The School profile provides a snapshot of your school’s academic and extracurricular prowess. This is where the admissions officer can tell whether or not you took the most…

Application Essay For Medical School | Image

Application Essay For Medical School

By Solomon Team / 05/17/2021

You’ve taken the MCAT, completed all of the pre-requisites, and maybe even chosen your list of medical schools. Now, it’s finally time to get serious about writing your medical school essay! In this article, we’ll outline what the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) advises you to include and explore a good and a bad…

What To Look For When Applying To Medical School | Image

What To Look For When Applying To Medical School

By Solomon Team / 05/11/2021

Every prospective med student should consider four things before applying to med school: the qualifications, the experience of a med student, the qualities of a good doctor, and, ultimately, the application process itself. Our Article Will Discuss The Following: We’ll start with the qualifications you need, which—no surprise—require tremendous foresight, commitment, and focus. But before…

Medical School Interview Prep | Image

Medical School Interview Prep

By Solomon Team / 05/11/2021

Preparing for medical school interviews can be a daunting experience, especially when students who are competing with you also have perfect GPAs, strong MCAT scores and have engaged in research, strong extracurriculars, and have excellent intellectual vitality. Our Article Will Discuss The Following: All things held constant, while a student’s GPA and testing profile might…