Undergraduate Admissions Guidance

College acceptance rates are dropping every year and our team of experienced Former Admissions Officers will help you with detailed and comprehensive guidance to stand out from the crowd and get in.

Undergraduate Admissions CounselingĀ 

Solomon Admissions Consulting knows that being accepted into a top-rated university requires more than simply having good grades and test scores. From essay preparation to teacher recommendation letters, we can provide guidance on every step of the admissions process and all of this guidance is provided exclusively by Former Admissions Officers from the best universities in the country.

Working With Solomon Admissions

Getting in touch with our expert admissions consultants is as simple as three steps:

step 1

Call, Email or Submit a Contact Form to set up your free initial consultation

step 2

Our Director of Enrollment will conduct a free initial consultation to discuss strengths, weaknesses and recommended consulting packages

step 3

Receive your contract and sign up instructions to get started

Undergraduate Admissions Services

Our admission consultants ensure that student essays, teacher recommendation letters, activity sheets, addendums, and interviews all support their unique positioning strategy. We understand that every student is unique and has their own interests, which is why we strive to find the best college and fit for you. Our custom-tailored services for undergraduate admissions include:

Have a Question? Contact Us

We invite you to schedule your free consultation with one of our undergraduate admissions consultants to discuss your dreams and aspirations.

Please give us a call or fill out our contact form.